"You are the Beemaster. You've been tasked with overthrowing the corrupt queen. 

Use your bees to take down guards and break this corrupt rule." 

AI & Games Jam 2021

This was a RUSHED entry to the AI & Games Jam 2021.

The Bee swarm uses the Boid flocking algorithm, it can be difficult to see sometimes since you are also able to control them.

I was hoping to implement basic path-finding but was unable to due to time.

I am happy with the concept though! Something is always fun about seeing large numbers.

Please enjoy!

(p.s. I am sorry if the particles slow down any machines)


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I beat the game and in the first level you don't have to defeat the last guard, even though it says you were caught, you can still move around for a brief moment. which means that if you get to the last guard in the first level and get caught, you can still beat level 1 and go to level 2